Some fluffy help...
It’s one of those ‘aha’ moments when you realise how something is done.
Those gorgeous natural smiles you see on my portrait portfolio, they are proper natural smiles! None of your cheesey-grinning stuff here, no way. These are proper smiles, like your kids are really properly smiling AND enjoying themselves!
Want to know how I do it?
This fluffy fella here is all I need!
My trusty tickle stick or (feather duster), whatever way you see it, it really doesn’t matter. It is my true and tried secret weapon of choice to bring out the best smiles and laughs in your family photos. It never fails me (well sometimes it does, some kids have a thing about pink feather dusters!) BUT mostly they adore it! The results are magic and beautiful and just adorable.
Well, now you know. My secret is out. Off you go and get yourself a brand new tickle stick of your own. Or you could just come to me and I will show you how it’s done!
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